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Are Prenuptial Agreements valid 和 enforceable in Virginia?

The short answer is: Yes, upon marriage.

It is important to recognize the value of a Prenuptial Agreement.  婚前协议通常被认为是促进或鼓励离婚的工具. 婚前协议的真正目的是尽量减少婚姻期间的冲突,避免因意外的离婚或死亡事件而引起的诉讼和干扰他们的生活.

This contract between fiancés is treated no differently than other contracts. 婚前协议是未婚夫/妻之间的一份合同,可在结婚时确定分居财产和婚姻财产的界限,并可纳入财产结算和分居协议条款,在婚姻分居和/或离婚时生效. 具体地说, under the Virginia Premarital Agreement Act, 婚前协议中关于配偶赡养费和离婚后财产处置的条款, marital dissolution, 和/or death become controlling, enforceable terms upon occurrence of such events.

婚前协议最常用的一种方式是继续将双方婚前的单独财产作为单独财产. 因此, 否则将成为夫妻财产并由法院公平分配的财产将不会被分割. 第(I)节进一步定义了分开的财产,以及婚前协议如何明确规定已婚夫妇如何分开或合并其财产. 第(II)节讨论了根据《现金网官网》可执行的婚前协议的要求.

I. 单独的属性

In a divorce action, a court may classify property as marital, 单独的, or hybrid (part marital 和 part 单独的). 单独的财产属于业主一方,另一方无权使用该财产. 但是,分开财产并不限于婚前取得的财产. 而婚姻期间取得的财产推定为夫妻财产, there are ways for a spouse to build 单独的 property during a marriage. 例如, a property from bequest, 设计, 血统, 生存, 或者来自配偶以外的人的礼物可以被视为单独的财产. 也, if a party sells 单独的 property during their marriage, 只要基金作为独立财产维持,销售收益将被视为独立财产. 

大意是这样的, 婚前协议可以明确规定哪些财产将以何种方式分开,以及何时财产将成为夫妻财产. 该协议还可以规定如何以及何时共同创建夫妻财产. In a divorce action, 婚前协议的预先指定条款可以防止因争夺分居财产和婚姻财产而产生的高额诉讼费用.

II. Requirements to Make an Enforceable Prenuptial Agreement


第一个, 如果有明确和令人信服的证据证明婚前协议是有罪的,则该协议不能强制执行 not executed voluntarily. 第二个, the a Prenuptial Agreement is invalid if the agreement was 不合理的 at the time of executing the Agreement, the counter-party was not provided a fair 和 reasonable disclosure 当对方未事先书面同意自愿并明确放弃其被告知对方资产和债务的权利时,对方的财产和财务义务.

婚前协议不会因为一方没有列出合同签订时存在的所有资产和债务而无法通过这项测试. So, 有多少资产及债务须符合“公平及合理披露”的规定? When is an agreement considered “不合理的”?

A.  Fair 和 Reasonable Disclosure of Assets 和 Debts

法院会覆核有关情况,以评估披露是否公平合理. 例如,在 查宾v. 查宾, 弗吉尼亚州上诉法院于2017年裁定,丈夫在披露约1美元时没有做出公平合理的披露,800,000.00 in assets 和 concealed over $500,000.00 in liabilities. 结果是, 丈夫的债务最终使他的财产和资产价值减少了近三分之一, affecting the wife’s entitlement. 因此,法院拒绝在离婚诉讼中执行双方的婚前协议条款. In 牧师v. 牧师, 同一法院认为,当事一方未能披露其约2000万美元的净资产,在《现金网官网》中没有公平合理的披露.

B.  Agreement was Conscionable

一般, 欺骗, 欺骗, 恶意或压迫行为是法院审查的因素,以确定协议是否合理. 一个未婚妻对另一个未婚妻说:“只要你签婚前协议,我就嫁给你。”这不是欺骗.” In 加洛韦 v. 加洛韦, 弗吉尼亚州上诉法院裁定,即使一方在前一天晚上已经收到该协议,该协议也是合理的, because the other party informed her of her right to retain an attorney, 和 she voluntarily signed the Agreement without coercion.


C.  Agreement was NOT Conscionable

In juxtaposition, a court held in 奥多姆v. 奥多姆 (劳顿县,2003)婚前协议是不合情理的,因此不能强制执行. In that case, the wife had recently come to the U.S. speaking little English, 丈夫的俄语翻译没有一字不差地为妻子翻译协议, 妻子并不知道协议中包含10年配偶抚养费豁免条款, had no income or prospects for income, 和 had no assets.

A simple Prenuptial Agreement can save tremendous time, 钱, 和 energy of spouses during marriage, as well as during the unexpected event of marital dissolution. 寻求法律建议来起草一份适合你的需求和情况的协议是很重要的.

罗熙全 是一个现金网官网 & 现金网官网 attorney focusing her practice on family law 和 immigration matters.


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